Having a roommate can help you keep an apartment you can’t afford on your own or secure a fantastic apartment just out of your reach. But not just anyone can be your roommate.
Even if you and your best friend loving spending time together, it doesn’t mean you’ll fit as roommates. Impulse moves nearly never work out, so look for a roommate with a lifestyle that would complement your own.
Interview candidates to see if they fit your idea of a roommate. It’s not necessary to find someone with all your same interests but being able to be friends is helpful. Remember to ask the tough questions:
- What is your schedule like?
- What’s your credit rating and what do you do for a living?
- Have you had a roommate before and were there any problems?
- Do you smoke, play a musical instrument, or have a pet?
- Do you have a significant other who’ll be spending a lot of time in the apartment?
Give them a chance to ask you questions too. Be forthcoming and honest with your answers.
Carefully review all candidates to find someone who’s lifestyle will complement yours. Consider your overall happiness and how someone else’s behavior will influence it. Remember, this isn’t an interview for your new best friend, you’ll need a match you can rely on.
Living with a roommate will take some getting used to. It’s important to establish lines of communication right away. Clear the air by discussing sharing food, overnight guests, and things that annoy each other.
Divide and rotate chores every few months so no one gets stuck doing the same thing for too long. Slacking off on responsibilities will strain the relationship, so decide what you’ll do if anyone slacks off. When it comes to rent, both parties should pay the landlord directly. For other bills, use an app designed to help spilt bills and payments equally.
Roommate relationships function best when everyone is considerate and works together. Avoid doing anything that might upset each other, never make big decisions without everyone in agreement, and respect each other’s privacy. If you’re looking for an apartment to split, we have suites in Edmonton, Red Deer, Vegreville, Vermilion, or Wetaskiwin.